Board of Trustees

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John Kurien

John Kurien is a reflective practitioner who has worked with fishing communities in India and abroad. He retired from the Centre for Development Studies, Thiruvananthapuram and also taught at the Azim Premji University, Bengaluru.
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Meena Gupta

Meena Gupta was a member of the Indian Administrative Service and has served in Odisha and in Delhi. She held the position of Secretary to the Government of India in the Ministry of Tribal Affairs and later in the Ministry of Environment and Forests.
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Rita Banerji

Rita Banerji is the founder of the Green Hub Project which leverages the power of youth in environment conservation and social change through the visual medium. She works through her organisation, Dusty Foot Foundation.

Siddhartha Krishnan

Siddhartha Krishnan is an environmental sociologist by training, and environmental historian by interest. He is senior faculty at ATREE and Convener of their Academy for Conservation Science and Sustainability Studies. Pastoral landscapes, agrarian transformation, environmental justice, human well-being in conservation landscapes, and human-wildlife interactions are research and policy themes he has pursued. He is also a recent documentary filmmaker.
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Somnath Sen

Managing Trustee
Somnath Sen is a researcher and consultant specializing in strategic management, decentralization, urban management, institutional development, and governance reforms. He advises governments, bilateral and multi-lateral institutions, and NGOs in Asia and Africa.
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Suprava Patnaik

Suprava Patnaik, PhD, is currently a Principal Advisor with the Atal Bihari Vajpayee Institute of Good Governance and Policy Analysis. She has worked extensively on ecological issues and Non-Timber Forest Produce in northeast India. She has previously worked as a professor at the Indian Institute of Forest Management in Bhopal and UNESCO in New Delhi.
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Shipra Gupta - Late

Shipra Gupta was an educationist with an MA in Library Science. She was a human resources expert with administrative experience.


M Santhanaraman

M. Santhanaraman

Legal Advisor
M. Santharaman has over 22 years of experience practising law in several courts in Chennai, and is currently working at the High Court of Madras.
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Anju Sharma

Anju Sharma is the Global Lead on Locally Led Adaptation at the Global Center on Adaptation in the Netherlands. She has previously worked with Oxford Climate Policy, Oxfam GB, and UNEP Nairobi and was Associate Director at the Center for Science and Environment.
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Chaman Lal Gupta

Chamanlal Gupta is a solar energy scientist who mentors students and researchers at the Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education, Pondicherry. He set up the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy Sources. He was also Founder-Director of Tata Energy Research Institute, Field Research Unit.

CTS Nair

CTS is a retired Indian Forest Service Officer who completed his M. Phil in Applied Economics. He was Director of the Kerala Forest Research Institute and the United Nations' FAO. He continues to work in policy analysis and capacity building for forestry in the Asia-Pacific region.

Shibani Chaudhury

Shibani Chaudhury is a development and communications consultant, filmmaker, and writer. She has previously worked with Society for Rural Urban and Tribal Initiative and Wildlife Trust of India. Her association with Keystone began in 1995 while shooting the film Honey Hunters of the Blue Mountains, with Rita Banerji.
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Rita Sharma - Late

Rita Sharma was a former Secretary to the Ministry of Rural Development and the National Advisory Council. She drafted several policies on agriculture, intellectual property and technologies at the Indian Council of Agricultural Research. She was also a Hubert Humphrey Fellow.