By Bijishna T.K., Land and Healthcare, Project Implementation Coordinator, Community Wellbeing
Keystone Foundation would like to congratulate BUDS Paradise Special School for receiving the award of ‘Best Agriculture School(Special School)’ in the state of Kerala. BUDS Paradise Special School is run with the support of Thirunelly Grama Panchayat and State Kudumbashree Mission. About 40 differently abled students study at this school.
An approximate area of one acre was converted into a vegetable garden as part of the ‘Agri Therapy’ program implemented for the mental and physical growth of the students by the Kudumbashree Mission. Keystone Foundation, through funding from the Axis Bank Foundation, supported BUD’S Paradise School to set up the layout of the vegetable garden. The Krishi Bhavan of Thirunelly Grama Panchayath also provided support.

Tomatoes, eggplants, cauliflower, cabbage, pulses, spinach, sorghum, elephant foot yam, tapioca, banana, ivy-gourd, green chilly, bird’s eye chilly, greater yam, and bamboos are the crops grown in
this garden, which ensure a daily supply of pesticide-free, nutritious lunches for the students. Along with the award, the school received 50000 Rupees from the Agriculture department.