Keystone Foundation and Aadhimalai were invited by the Tamil Nadu State Biodiversity Board to represent the state at the celebration of International Biodiversity Day at Chennai organised by the National Biodiversity Board. Bhavya George, Habeeba Fatima, Ramajeyam and Silambarasan from Keystone set up the exhibition space and interacted with the visitors.
Bhavya George and Habeeba Fatima participated in the 2nd Asia Parks Congress, at Sabah, Malaysia. Bhavya presented Keystone’s work on Conservation Agreements in Sathyamangalam tiger reserve at the session on Landscape Approaches for Effective Area Based Conservation on the 26th. Habeeba presented our work on Human Wildlife interactions in a session on March 27th. Anita Varghese took part in a workshop held by the Earth Journalism Network at Phuket, Thailand from May 22-27. It was a good opportunity to meet other grantees from the Asia Pacific region and to meet the Internews and EJN staff. The sessions on Fundraising, Project M&E, One Health and Data Security were very interesting and provided a good opportunity for new learnings.