Organisational Structure

Keystone’s team is over 150 members strong, including our board of trustees and resource persons, who bring valuable insights from tribal communities across the Nilgiris and Central/Eastern India, as well as marginalized communities in Coimbatore district. Our programme working group members map out workflow and streamline task schedules for each project within the seven programmes (see below). For a full list of ongoing projects, visit our individual programme pages.

Governance Structure main
org structure

Each role is assigned various levels of responsibility, according to the following colour key:

Governance Structure key
org structure key

Programme Structure

Keystone operates its eco-development work across the following seven thematic areas or ‘programmes’. Teams under all programme include roles mentioned in the organisational structure. Each programme works to achieve a mix of several of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals listed below. All programmes are approached in an intersectional manner, with cross-sectoral activities mindfully planned to meet goals, be it through consulting barefoot expertise for building tribal archives within the People and Nature Collectives programme, adopting a gender justice lens within the Climate Change programme, or prioritising disaster responsiveness within the Organisational Development programme.

Program Structure
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