Mathew promotes Keystone's approach in coalescing traditional forest livelihoods, conservation and social enterprise. He is the voice for our expertise on organic agriculture, fair trade and slow food.
Pratim Roy
Rural Development Expert & Ecologist
Pratim provides strategic direction to Keystone's work, funding and vision, building staff capacities and action for institutional sustainability, and to widen the scope of our impact.
Snehlata Nath
Tribal Livelihoods Expert
Sneh provides strategic inputs to Keystone's work, along with plans for expanding impact. She focuses on civil society networks across India and advises teams in the Eastern India Initiative and Aadhimalai, the indigenous producers' group.
Anita Varghese
Anita developes long-term goals, research and action steps on field for the implementation of projects under the Biodiversity and Climate Change programmes. She also aids in human resources decisions.
Jyotsna Krishnakumar
Natural Resource and Environmental Management-Human Dimensions
Jyotsna develops long term action and research plans within the Community wellbeing and Water & Sanitation programmes, applied through the lenses of livelihood outcomes, improved community-based governance, health and wellness, and climate change.
Biodiversity Conservation
Restoration Ecologist
Subject Coordinator
Aradkuttan facilitates eco-restoration activities at all sites, raising native flora, monitoring pollinators and checking invasives. He is part of our community awareness efforts on restoration.
Chandrasekar works to monitor and manage human-wildlife interactions in the Nilgiris Biosphere Reserve, and organises community awareness efforts. He also identifies and monitors ecological restoration sites.
Harshavardhini Angappan
Restoration Ecologist
Technical Coordinator
Harsha manages our nursery of endangered and native plants and seed bank. She also conducts vegetation studies in Nilgiri habitats, and assists in population assessments.
Justin studies the impact of climate change on bees and other pollinators, works to improve and manage our apiaries and provides overall support to Keystone's biodiversity projects.
Mahadesha strategises community conservation, sustainable forest practices and agriculture in the Sathyamangalam landscape and surrounds. He also works with local government bodies to deepen Keystone's impact.
Mounthees Kuttan
Restoration Ecologist
Technical Coordinator
Mounthees works on the ecological restoration of four landscapes within the NBR. He also assists in cultural mapping of the Toda community.
Nithya V.
Pollinators Expert
Field Assistant
Nithya conducts surveys on pollinators and flora, and monitors populations of the former. She also works to promote beekeeping and aids activities related to apiaries across Keystone's working regions.
Rajendran R.
Pollinators Expert
Field Coordinator
Rajendran studies pollinators, their diversity and apiculture in Sigur and Pillur, monitoring bee populations, aiding activities related to apiaries and supporting work towards conservation.
Shiny strategises ecological restoration projects, overseeing native flora nurseries and projects related to pollinators. She builds networks with global forums on biodiversity, and within local government bodies.
Shivanna B.
Native Flora Expert
Field Assistant
Sivanna raises, propagates and collects native seeds and plants in several nurseries in the Sathyamangalam and Punanjanur landscape. His work also involves outreach and restoration activities.
Vandana Kannan
Wildlife Biologist
Technical Coordinator
Vandana observes human-wildlife interactions in Sathyamangalam Tiger Reserve, conducts habitat studies and plans community conservation initiatives like outreach and ecology trainings.
Vishnu N.M.
Restoration Ecologist
Technical Coordinator
Vishnu is a field botanist who works on the ecological restoration of several landscapes in the NBR. He is a certified IUCN Red List assessor, and aids in the management of several native flora nurseries.
Restoration Ecologist
Technical Coordinator
Vijayan is a field botanist who works on the ecological restoration of several landscapes in the NBR.
Ramajeyam R.
Restoration Ecologist
Technical Assistant
Shiny strategises ecological restoration projects, overseeing native flora nurseries and projects related to pollinators. She builds networks with global forums on biodiversity, and within local government bodies.
Monthish Kuttan
xyz Coordinator
Shiny strategises ecological restoration projects, overseeing native flora nurseries and projects related to pollinators. She builds networks with global forums on biodiversity, and within local government bodies.
Restoration Ecologist
Technical Coordinator
Shiny strategises ecological restoration projects, overseeing native flora nurseries and projects related to pollinators. She builds networks with global forums on biodiversity, and within local government bodies.
Shawn J. Stephen
Shiny strategises ecological restoration projects, overseeing native flora nurseries and projects related to pollinators. She builds networks with global forums on biodiversity, and within local government bodies.
Community Wellbeing
Ayoob A.
Governance & Livelihoods
Field Coordinator
Ayoob supports climate change and health initiatives in Wayanad and Nilambur. He works to leverage funds from government schemes for local interventions and facilitates tenurial right processes for Indigenous communities.
Bagavanidhi mobilises forest communities and government bodies in the Nilgiris towards improved governance systems and advocacy efforts, particularly in claiming rights under India's Forest Rights Act. He also facilitates linkages between governance, health and livelihoods efforts.
Bijishna T.K.
Land & Healthcare
Project Implementation Coordinator
Bijishna works to ensure our projects based in Wayanad run smoothly. She monitors the impact of agriculture-related work, healthcare interventions, restoration efforts and water management.
R. Chandran
Traditional Livelihoods
Field Coordinator
R. Chandran focuses on improving governance systems, healthcare and sustainable traditional livelihoods in Pillur. He is keen to promote the just implementation of the Forest Rights Act.
Faseela V.
Additional Programme Coordinator
Faseela assists Keystone's work in Nilambur, primarily to improve local governance, sustainable forest livelihoods and community wellbeing. She engages with community health workers and aids water management efforts.
Community-led Water Use
Field Coordinator
Kannan coordinates water and sanitation activities in the semi-urban regions of Aracode, Konnavakarai and Kotagiri, working closely with community-led foundations and local government bodies.
Lalitha works to implement community well-being efforts in Sigur, coordinating activities related to the Forest Rights Act, and supporting work related to healthcare and conservation of traditional seeds.
Muhammed Rafi
Field Coordinator
Rafi assists interventions in Wayanad, promoting native agriculture, governance and mentoring community health workers. He is also involved in water management efforts.
C.M. Rajesh
Governance & Livelihoods
Field Assistant
Rajesh supports the implementation of interventions in the Sigur region. In addition to this, he coordinates activities on the Forest Rights Act in the region.
Ramachandran K.G.
Governance & Livelihoods
Programme Coordinator
Ramu provides strategy and inputs in Wayanad and Nilambur on strengthening traditional livelihoods, local governance systems, healthcare and the preservation of traditional knowledge.
Rohan Mukerjee
Agriculture & Advocacy
Programme Coordinator
Rohan works in Central and Eastern India. His work largely involves conservation of traditional agriculture, advocacy and collaborations with tribal groups and supporting documentation of impact.
Saneesh P.B.
Land & Water
Field Coordinator
Saneesh assists implementation of agriculture, healthcare and water management efforts in Wayanad. He is also involved in activities related to water and land conservation.
Sriram Paramasivan
Livelihoods & Enterprise
Technical Coordinator
Sriram supports planning and delivering of interventions under the livelihoods focus area. He aids in the facilitation and strengthening of traditional and organic agricultural practices and enterprise development.
Sunil Kumar
Pollinators & Healthcare
Field Coordinator
Sunil assists our community wellbeing work in Nilambur, working with volunteers and field staff to facilitate work in agriculture, healthcare, apiary, conservation, livelihoods and governance.
Anagha C.
Mental Health
Technical Coordinator
Anagha supports healthcare interventions in all our working areas, promoting dialogues on mental health and improving services. She aids the training of community health workers and monitors impact.
Organisational Development
Amsaveni C.
Subject Coordinator
Amsaveni ensures backend work runs smoothly, delivering payments and reimbursements on time, settling bills, preparing project expense reports and coordinating employee welfare funds.
H.R. Eswaran
Senior Programme Coordinator
Eswar provides direction to Keystone's finance and accounts processes, maintaining project reports, ensuring statutory requirements like FCRA are in place and building capacity for staff and finance infrastructure.
Hari works to maintain Keystone's beautiful campus in Kotagiri, ensuring water supply, waste management, office vehicles, campus bills and other logistics are in place.
Subject Coordinator
Subject Coordinator
Sabitha helps keep Keystone's Kotagiri campus functional, overseeing maintanence of the canteen, guesthouse and office buildings, from electric to carpentry and water supply.
Senior Programme Coordinator
Sara provides direction to Keystone's administrative team, coordinates with local and national government bodies to facilitate our projects, and aids the activities of several partners, including The Nilgiris Foundation.
Sumin George
Funding & Strategy
Senior Programme Coordinator
Sumin provides inputs to strategy and development of our networks and relations with partners and donors. He focuses on building proposals and reports to further our collaborations and funding opportunities.
Wilfred William
Information Technology
Subject Coordinator
Wilfred manages Keystone's IT infrastructure, keeping our campus virtually connected and secure. He develops IT policy, ensures our data is stored appropriately, and conducts system audits and trainings for staff capacity building.
People & Nature Collectives
Faisal Rehman
Archiving and Research
Programme Coordinator
Faisal coordinates projects building community archives, mentors local and indigenous researchers, creates archiving tools and supports community-led foundations and media platforms.
Jeyanthi R.
Community Media
Additional Programme Coordinator
Jeyanthi coordinates the publication of the Seemai Sudhi newsletter, supports Radio Kotagiri, and aids in the mentoring of local and indigenous researchers and activities of the community archives projects.
Manickam A.
Community Media
Additional Programme Coordinator
Manickam focuses on operations of the Radio Kotagiri programme and associated infrastructure, coordinates content generation with community members and records feedback on the programme.
Mira Kudva Driskell
Archiving and Research
Mira assists with projects in the institutional archives and creating pedagogical modules, and engages in research on human migration and One Health systems.
Mounthees Kuttan
Archiving and Research
Community Researcher
Mounthees works on the ecological restoration of four landscapes within the NBR. He also assists in cultural mapping of the Toda community.
P. Chandran
Grassroots Governance
Programme Coordinator
P. Chandran helps conceptualise activities across Keystone's working areas to strengthen governance systems, focusing on community forest rights and habitat rights.
Ranjani Prasad
Archiving and Research
Programme Coordinator
Ranjani maintains institutional archives, creates digital tools archives, and supports community-led foundations and media platforms with mentorship. She also develops tribal leadership trainings.
Climate Change
Bhavya George
Climate Solutions
Programme Coordinator
Bhavya strategises the vision for the climate change programme, working with climate historians, educators and journalists in the Nilgiris and Central/Eastern India to build action research on climate impacts.
Gunashekar M.
Climate Transitions
Technical Coordinator
Gunashekar conducts surveys for socio-ecological data collection from villages within Aracode. He is also instrumental in carbon sample collections, planning trainings for project participants and other climate resilience interventions.
Climate Solutions
Technical Coordinator
Reshma focuses on gender just climate solutions, such as analog forestry.
Vidya S.
Climate Educator
Technical Coordinator
Vidya focuses on implementing our Climate Smart Schools project, coordinating with educators and creating teaching materials to facilitate activities in 14 schools across the Nilgiris Biosphere Reserve.
Robert Leo
Robert Leo is Keystone’s in-house expert on traditional practices in apiculture and organic agriculture. He is a graduate in Rural Developmental Science. As the Deputy Director of Keystone, he holds workshops for our beneficiaries and advises the Indigenous producers' company Aadhimalai.
Akhil Sivadas
Climate Transitions
Project Coordinator
Akhil conducts surveys for socio-ecological data collection from villages within Aracode. He is also instrumental in carbon sample collections, planning trainings for project participants and other climate resilience interventions.
Vinitha Murukesan
Impact Strategy
Programme Coordinator
Vinitha handles the water and sanitation programme across all working areas in Coimbatore and the Nilgiris, coordinating research, implementation, reports, documentation, labwork and stakeholders.
Sharmila Sathish
Field Assistant
Akhil conducts surveys for socio-ecological data collection from villages within Aracode. He is also instrumental in carbon sample collections, planning trainings for project participants and other climate resilience interventions.
Community-led Water Use
Field Assistant
Arun coordinates water and sanitation activities in the semi-urban regions of Aracode, Konnavakarai and Kotagiri, working closely with community-led foundations and local government bodies.